Cat Roses Online Booking
For Cat Roses ferry tickets click here for fast Cat Roses online booking. Cat Roses ferry connects the islands of Praslin and La Digue by fast ferry on a daily basis. The travel time between the islands of Praslin and La Digue is fifteen minutes. Click...
Cat Cocos Online Booking
For Cat Cocos ferry tickets click here for fast Cat Cocos online booking. Cat Cocos ferry connects the islands of Mahe, Praslin and La Digue by fast ferry on a daily basis. It takes one hour to travel between Mahe and Praslin and one hour fifteen...
Luxury Hotels on La Digue Island
Le Domaine de l’Orangeraie is considered by many to be the best luxury hotel on La Digue Island in Seychelles. It is located about 200 meters north of the small port town of La Passe in La Digue. The resort is set in a vast...